(630) 527-1664 [email protected]

Mental Health is Foundational

Get matched with a dedicated therapist and get the tools you need for growth

Legacy Clinical Consultants, LLC serves clients across the life-span, from pre-school children through older adults, who are experiencing a wide range of individual and family problems.

Our Expertise

Depression & Anxiety

Depression and anxiety can affect all of the areas of your life. Get matched with a therapist who has proven methods to help and is invested in your long-term success.

Crisis & Life Transitions

Without the right team, a crisis or life transitions can stop you in your tracks. But in many cases, these events can provide true opportunities for growth. 


Life is about relationships. Whether at work, home or school, how we interact with the people around us determines our well-being.

Marriage and Family Struggles

Life in a family can get difficult. A professional who provides unbiased, research-based assistance can help heal a fractured family. 

Effective Therapy for All Age Groups


Our compassionate experts apply proven principle to help children through real-world challenges. 


The transition to adulthood comes with its fair share of challenges. Our clinicians help equip teens and young adults with the tools to ensure resiliency and growth.


Adulting is a modern word to describe a centuries-old challenge that is harder than ever. Our treatment approaches will help you navigate every stage of your life. 

Ready to Get Started?